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Disadvantages of bad news

Follow-up to the bad news than the desire to eat
Disadvantages of bad news
 A recent US study indicated that listening to bad news often pay people to eat more food, so people who want to decrease their weight, researchers are advised to avoid such disappointing news.
The researchers found that respondents who reported multiple messages for difficult times ate amounts of food increase by 40% who reached them neutral news had no effect on their moods, but turned out to be bad news prompted people to eat high-calorie foods.

It was said to members of the sample to a candy containers contain calories higher than the other, which is not true, then presented to the participants images that contain either a neutral sentences or struggle and tribulations, after which shows that the group that watched sentences odds ate candy that they believe contain the calories more higher quantities by 70% for other candy.

Author of the study Giuliano for Aran said Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Business Administration of Miami University of America, said: "It is clear that the taste of the food was not the reason behind eating those quantities of sweets, high-calorie, but the desire of the participants and their need high heat for prices."


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