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Beauty tips
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Beauty tips

How do you think reflects your beauty?

Confirmed by researchers from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of The proverbs that talk about youth and beauty, such as "Be nice sees a beautiful universe," and "your youth and beauty stops select them as much as what it feels like," and others, is not without scientific facts.

Thinking and Beauty:

The Ellen Langer, a psychologist at Harvard University, and two of her colleagues studied the effects of what Iatrk inside the human mind from thoughts on his body, and looked reflection of the way of human thinking in the level of youth and beauty of the real Mahechma in fact, reviewed Langer number of the results of previous studies support the theory list to confirm the influence of mind and ways of thinking on the life of every person.

I took Langer in one of her studies Photo 47 women and subjected to every one of them to the process of hair dye and the story short hairstyles, and then a group of neutrals volunteers to look at their photographs before gathered to take new look and after that, I found that the women who believe that the new appearance much to make them more beautiful actually appeared in the most beautiful the smallest of the observers who did not see their faces is, as recorded Langer Zmillagha a drop in blood pressure in women who Aatkdn they appeared in the most beautiful and smaller.

This is reviewed by the site for them, as explained at the end of the article to local newspaper "Union" the UAE to other similar research found that the perception of the person of the same in terms of age, beauty and handsome affect his health.

So our advice to you is to have your thinking positive and constructive Being so beautiful inside and out.


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