Many are the bad habits that we do without our knowledge the extent of harm to our bodies and our comfort that lead us to insomnia and lack of sleep, for example, and we all know that sleep helps to get the views of attractive women, often women blame receiving the young or excessive fatigue or having to children waking up early to work and the like, but there are many of the common mistakes that women fall victim, Vijsrn sleep a comfortable life, which reflected its disadvantages on the rest of the day and the family relationship, and these errors:
watch TV before going to sleep: con dim light from the TV screen or computer brain device that bedtime was not yet ripe, so one has to suffer from lack of sleep quickly after hours of exposure to these rays.
2. lose time: Stay away from losing time whenever Astiqzta through the night to get rid of the tension caused by the knowledge of how much time remains before you wake up and you will begin duties the next day, and Abaadi time for your bed and wait that beats the alarm clock on schedule.
3. talk on the phone: A study has shown that talking on the phone at length before bedtime reduces the proportion of deep sleep through multiple stages of sleep, the most important stages of hibernation.
4. Leave the lights: annoy lights from mobile phones and watch the bright lights and light the secretion of the hormone "melatonin" in charge of the lethargic rates.
5. Caffeine: either tea or coffee or even soft drinks, as refraining from stimulant drinks doctors recommend eight hours of sleep before due to the survival of caffeine for a long time in the body.
6. Smoking: it shows that the rate of brain activity during sleep when smokers are much higher than non-smokers, making a bad mood in the morning, so if you smoke your cigarette declined Tnvij (or shisha) 4 hours before to put your head on your pillow.
7. sleep tight clothes: negatively affect the secretion of the hormone "melatonin," and then the depth of sleep, they also cause high body temperature which is the exact opposite is required.
8. sleeping on the stomach: Avoid sleeping on your stomach as it is harmful and annoying refugees the right to sleep on your side.
We introduced you to the most important Madam 8 bad habits we may have made every day without knowing the extent of their damage, Tjnbhe Astbdlleha healthy and acts to keep the always radiant and energetic.