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Beauty tips
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Beauty tips

Use a lot of cosmetics, it does not mean never get the feel beautiful and desirable, but on the contrary may make you look older and less glamorous, but avoided Avoid the following five errors when setting up:

Choose the appropriate Powder Blush
We all know that the powder should be on an apple cheeks To facilitate this should smile when placed, but the secret to get Cheeks rosy is using the right brush, which distributes the powder evenly and make the cheeks look more freshness, as it should Tstamli a color appropriate for the color of your skin you look younger We are not and avoid dark colors.

Thbta lipstick
What distinguishes older women, lipstick bleeding on the lips boundaries, which makes it look untidy, and to avoid bleeding lipstick on the lips, Use a pencil to determine the lips of the same color lipstick, which will serve as a buffer for bleeding or melting lipstick, you can Tstamli cream base the lips are also up last throughout the day, and the best way to prevent bleeding lipstick is put lipstick brushing instead of the tube directly, as well as avoid the red color of dark lips, which increases the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth, while the light color reduces the focus on these lines, to enlarge the size of nationalist lips put a shiny layer on the light red lips.

Do not forget the basis of the area around the eyes

Premier or the foundation is very important, especially in the area around the eye area sensitive, affected by fatigue and stress, insomnia and even lack of water, so try to use Premiere appropriate before laying the foundation cream, also helps the Premier in the survival of eye shadow for a longer period, but be careful if you're over the age of thirty Avoid use of liquid eye shadow and glossy that will make you look bigger than your age.Pay attention to the color of cream base
Most of us have heard the rule that cream foundation should match the degree of the color of your skin exactly, but according to the expert make-up, "Sandy Itnir" must Tstamli score slightly lower than the color of your skin, it will balance the red color in your skin, but if you do not like the use of foundation cream, Astbdlah cream tinted moisturizer for a light and uniform basis.

Beware of high-brows
Cut and remove hair eyebrows excessively, it would bring about the appearance of eyebrows later, making the eyelid seems Otqla and eyes sunken, and the emergence of a smaller, you should be brows medium thickness, and fixed eyes, whether liquid or dry can increase the breadth of the eyes and focus on them, If you do not you have used specifically for the eyes with mascara Try use higher eyelid to increase the breadth of the eyes.

All these tips will give you an opportunity to Taatmtaa beautiful appearance and appropriate for your age.


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Women's beauty secrets