• Mask watercress Hair:
- Ingredients:
Arugula package + a little water
- How to prepare:
Mix the watercress with a little water in a mincer, NATIONAL then liquidate him well and put it on your scalp in the form of massage for hair, then the national cover your hair a dedicated cover for it and leave holder watercress on your hair for 3 hours, then wash your hair well and with a repeat Catcher you will find smoothness and intensity in your hair gradually.
Do not forget that the arugula significant benefits for hair and is the maker of heavy hair, plus it works on lengthening hair, and the feeding Albossellat and prevents hair loss and is one of the best natural food for hair and reinforced them.
Now Try holder watercress hair and do not forget to tell us about the result with you and on your hair .. Join us your opinion.