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Beauty tips
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Beauty tips

The best natural masks for your hair

 Inspired by the rich nature of its benefits aesthetic and health, we offer you a range of natural masks and mixtures of the kitchen, because you get a soft, damp hair away from the crust and embrittlement, here these ideas to prepare the best natural masks for your hair:

Honey and olive oil mask

Mix one tablespoon of honey with a quarter cup of olive oil, then add the eggs yolks, mix the mixture well and then put it on your hair with a focus on the most Tqcefa areas, cover your hair cover shower and leave for 45 minutes and then wash your hair with cold water and wash with shampoo as usual.

Avocado and egg mask

Mix half the avocado with egg and spoon out of your hair balm in a suitable pot, put enough of it to cover your hair and leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with water.

Banana and orange mask

Mix the eggs with a little orange and half a banana juice, Apply the mixture on your hair and then cover it with a shower for 30 minutes, then rinse, this mask will address embrittlement and restores your hair shine and freshness.

Moisturizing facial

Mix equal amount of fresh lemon juice and olive oil to moisturize dry hair and give it a manifestation of a brilliant and vital.

Pour off the crust

Mix a little milk with a little milk their positions on your hair, this mask helps to protect hair from dandruff, and strengthen the roots and add luster and softness to it.

Feed your hair

Mix egg yolk with honey and liquid Apply the mixture on your hair, this mask helps to feed the scalp and hair roots.

Say goodbye to bombard

Massage your hair with coconut oil and almond oil and olive oil, which helps in the treatment of hair from embrittlement.

Shine your hair soft

Mix the egg yolk with 3 tablespoons of castor oil, then rub with your hair for 10 minutes, and the hair dry, mix 3 tablespoons vegetable oil with 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, rub your hair washed it and cover it with a towel warm wet for 10 minutes and then wash your hair.

Glitter irresistible

Mix 4 cups of warm water with a spoonful of honey hair after washing, rub your head mix.

 We have provided you Madam set of masks that you will be asked their manufacture at the lowest cost Vmkunadtha found in your kitchen, and Bdoa Bsthaddamha to Tcherqa Batalaltk outstanding.


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